For a while this year, I lost sight of why I do this, with all the riding of bikes in circles. Sure, I really like riding bikes, and the freedom, and the wind in my face, and the meditation, and all that, but I forgot for a while that I REALLY WANT TO WIN.
Many dudes are faster than I am, and that is just a fact, but it means that if I want to win (and I do), I have to work harder than them, so that I can be faster than them.
Let me tell you something, internet: blogging doesn't make you any faster. But it can be entertaining, so I will continue looking for opportunities. There haven't been many lately. You guys really want to hear about my boring rides and the time I spend looking for jobs for next year?
I had a lot of fun at the Tour de Millersburg even though they gave me a ticket for riding my bike the wrong way on a one way street (I thought it was closed). A rider got out, opened, and drank a red bull halfway through the road race, which was hilarious. I attacked a lot, and they let me sit off the front by myself, which is always a good time. Racing in the rain was bizarrely fun.
I got a new bike, it is a singlespeed commuter and it is not finished yet because I still need a chainring. It is a pretty red color.
It is September, which means there is football on TV again. I like football.
I want to work harder than everyone else for the next three months, leading up to collegiate cx nats. The challenge is that I also have real-life responsibilities.
is what is on the headtube of my cross bike, by the way, in case you are wondering. It is not directed at anyone in particular. I have been riding around with a picture of a gold AK-47 on my road bike for a month and it reminds me to fire all of the bullets!