Well, the "hate" mostly just comes from the fact that if you're doing it right, there is just pain.
Nittany CX was really fun, even though my finish was unremarkable. It's all about metrics!
Cross-results predicted I would finish 79th, based on my points. I actually finished 67th. OUTCOME = SUCCESS.
Last time I did the B race at a UCI race (so, a 2/3/4) I finished a lap down in 93rd, which didn't happen this time. OUTCOME = SUCCESS.
I only crashed my bike once. OUTCOME = SUCCESS.
All in all, I rode well and had fun. I staged wayyyyyy at the back (which is my own fault for signing up late), which led to me being in a severely disadvantageous position when some bro put his bike down in the very first corner, right in front of me. I found myself immediately off the back after avoiding hitting him, stirring echoes of dropping my chain in the first k of the B race at Charm City last year and ending up last as a result. However, this time I caught back up and started making up ground. I had made up about 20 places (and was feeling really good about how I was riding), when I hit a root in a slippery mud section. The root knocked my front wheel out from under me, and I was down quicker than I could let go of the handlebars. Fast as I got up, a bunch of dudes went by me. Trying to recover from that put me way in the red.
I started picking off dudes in front of me, with reasonable success. Next lap I took the same line (I thought it was the best one, I guess), hit the same root, and ALMOST WENT DOWN AGAIN IN THE SAME WAY. After that I learned my lesson.
After 2 weeks of rain, it was super muddy! 5 big mud sections, 2 of which were unrideable. Well, one of those was probably rideable but not worth the trouble.
Look at these pictures! So muddy!
Oh, also, I'm now representing the moneynstuff-Wheels4Life bicycle racing concern. Sweet white kits for 'cross season, bro.
ARE YOU GUYS PSYCHED FOR NEXT WEEK? I AM. I'm still pretty fat, but I have been riding my bike a lot, so I feel strong.