Bing Crosby "Marathon of Movies"
- Monday, May 2nd on TCM:
8:30 AM Going Hollywood
10:00 AM Road to Singapore
11:30 AM Road to Zanzibar
1:15 PM Road to Morocco
2:45 PM Going My Way
5:00 PM Blue Skies
And, it's off to the Races... time for the Kentucky Derby! It's our turn Americans to show how we can wear our Hats - and do it elegantly and lovely - with grand style! (and some, unfortunately, will wear them silly, too!)
Kentucky Derby "Marathon of Movies"
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011:
10:00 PM Stablemates (1938)
11:45 PM Fast Company (1953)
1:00 AM The Story of Seabiscuit
2:45 AM Glory (1956)
4:30 AM Pride of the Blue Grass (1939)
5:45 AM Sporting Blood (1931)
7:15 AM Big Boy
Who can forget Audrey Hepburn at the Races in My Fair Lady? I adore her fashion in the movie and all the beautiful musical numbers!
Audrey Hepburn "Marathon of Movies"
Wednesday, May 4th, 2011:
11:00 AM Green Mansions
1:00 PM The Nun's Story
3:33 PM Emergency Doctor (1956)
3:45 PM My Fair Lady
Please Note: I have not seen all of these movies listed above. I simply enjoy Movies with Bing, the Kentucky Derby, & Audrey... and wanted you to know they were airing this week! Enjoy!