R is for Reading

Which is something I don't do enough of. I can scan through non-fiction pretty quickly, but I tend to take my time when reading a novel. Part of the problem is that I tend to read mostly when on the train to and from work. I really should take more time to read when I'm at home.

My current favourite is The Dresden Files. I absolutely love this series, and I want to keep reading even when I don't feel a given title is up to the caliber of others in the series. Jim Butcher has created one of my favourite heroes in Harry Dresden. I'm a bit jaded from seeing so many heroes whose flaws are all traits that actually make me like them less. It's great to see a hero who is at heart a decent guy, but who makes mistakes and takes the wrong course of action from time to time, instead of being an unbeatable badass whose biggest flaw is an antisocial personality. Butcher's characters, even the ones who are faeries or vampires, feel human. They have a spirit that shines in the writing and makes me care for them.

At the moment I'm reading Book of Jhereg, by Steven Brust. Normally I find it difficult to attach myself to assassins and other characterss who are drawn into the story primarily by profit. They generally have little emotional attachment to the plot and even less to lose. It's an interesting read so far, though.

Once I'm done with it I'll be reading a friend's ms for the second book in a series she's working on. Then I'm moving on to The Pain Merchants (UK title of The Shifter) by Janice Hardy.

What're you guys currently reading?