What I'm Reading

At the moment I've got The Pain Merchants by Janice Hardy in my bag. I started it a couple of days ago and I'm really enjoying it so far. Good action, fun likeable characters, interesting fantasy setting without overwhelming detail.

I think what I'm enjoying most about it is that, apart from knowing Nya's age, you'd hardly guess this was young adult. It's got a quality that just sets it out as a good story, regardless of the intended audience. I'm actually considering adding a Reviews page to this blog when I'm done.

I have a lot to read in the coming months. Ghost Story is coming out soon, and I need my Harry Dresden fix. I've also discovered a new series called the Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne. This is an urban fantasy series inspired by Celtic mythology. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

What are you currently reading or looking forward to reading?