Disrupted Routines

First up, everyone should stop by Big Bad Ashi, a new blog by Aislinn O'Loughlinn. Ash is one of my oldest friends and is a great writer. Her YA urban fantasy trilogy, Big Bad Me, is currently in the querying process through her literary agency, The Rights Factory.

Right, onto this Monday's post.

I get into work really early. Often as much as an hour before I'm meant to start. I like to use this time to have coffee, catch up on blogs, and get a bit of writing done. This morning I got in and my PC wouldn't start up. It turned out the problem was just a faulty power cable, but it did mean I couldn't log onto my PC until nearly half past nine. I'd lost my entire morning of time normally set aside to start my day the way I'm used to.

I can't stand when this happens. When my routine is broken unexpectedly I feel totally out of control and can even get a bit irritable. It's like everything is in a rush and I've missed out on time I normally set aside for myself. This just throws me off for the rest of the day.

Still, I had Janice Hardy's The Pain Merchants (UK title of The Shifter) to keep me going, which I'm really enjoying. Hopefully I can get caught up on the writing later tonight.

Do any of you have similar problems if your daily or even weekly routine is distrupted?