X is for X-Rated

Just something which I thought of while trying to work out what to write about for X (damn that letter!).

I'm not a romance writer, and my book isn't about sex, but I do think sexuality is an important part of a character. So, I make reference to, and give very mild descriptions of, sex, at a couple of points in the novel. These scenes are important, but far from graphic. I've read several YA novels with more detailed descriptions than I used.

At what point does content become considered "x-rated?" And how should sex be used in fiction?

There's a trend in urban fantasy to use sex as part of magical ritual. There are times when a character must have sex with a supernatural creature to gain more power themselves. It's an interesting choice for a writer.

I think my book might be different, though. It's not detailed in Locked Within, but if the book sells well and I'm able to continue the series, I will expand on how people in this supernatural society live their lives. That will include differences in day to day life, including sex.

In this world, sex is a very human thing. It's an expression of love between two mortals. Other creatures might try to replicate it, seeking to understand the intimacy that can exist between two souls, but they can't truly feel it. These creatures may use it to seek power, dominance, create offspring, or to try and understand the connection humans can have with one another, but with so many stories out there where humans are lesser beings, unaware of the pleasures enjoyed by powerful beings, I want to tell a story where mortals have something that immortal beings can never have. I want their impermanence, their very nature as limited beings, to be what gives them the strength of will and love to bond with one another.