N is for Never Say Die

First up, I'd like to thank Karen at http://karenfollowingthewhispers.blogspot.com for giving me this:

I met Karen through the A to Z Challenge and I've loved reading her posts. If you haven't yet, check her out, you won't regret it.

I promise I'll keep the tradition going and find someone to pass this on to.

On to today's post, which is a motto I've worked to keep to almost all my life. Writers aren't the only ones who see rejection on a regular basis. Everyone's felt it at some point. But we press on. Rejection can never be taken personally. If we allow it to become personal, we destroy ourselves.

Rejection is simply the way we learn that this is not the right choice for us right now. It may be in the future, but for now we press on and look to new paths. So long as we keep our faith and keep working to better ourselves, we will find the right path in the end. The key is in not giving up. The only time we ever truly fail in life is the moment we decide we don't want to try again just once more.

Never say die.