Sex - Oh So Sophistique

Sophisticated sex starts with an elegant background, ideally one that is exotic, expensive, slightly romantic, and definitely not run-of-the-mill. Great ideas include a five star hotel room, an upscale cabin rental, a yacht, or in a private airplane cabin. The key to making sophistication and elegance sexually attractive is coming up with a place that makes you think, "Hmm....I never did the dirty here before..." or "This area is so clean...I wanna have sex, and add a little dirty to this mix!" Imagine the most elegant, upscale debutante party, and think of how incredibly erotic it would be to sneak off with a refined bachelor who is giving you the eye. This is the mood that you need to create if you want to have sophisticated sex.

Romance is a key aspect of any major sophisticated sex romp. (Yes, the hackneyed candlelight lovemaking sessions actually are worth something here.) Rose petal covered beds, 1500-thread count sheets made of Egyptian Cotton, and even chocolate body whip can be used to have an elegant yet romantic roll in the sack. When you are trying to go for sophisticated sex, think of the many upscale, sensuous, and possibly gourmet goodies that you can add to the mix. This is a sex adventure that is supposed to be opulent, romantic, and able to appeal to every sense a human being has. So, go ahead! Light those candles, rent that hotel room, buy some Godiva chocolates, and start preparing a bottle of your favorite sparkling beverage.

If you want to set the mood before you decide to do the dirty, it's a good idea to plan a date that a sophisticated couple would enjoy. Are there any fundraiser galas being thrown in your area? What about wine tastings, plays in theaters, or gallery openings? If you can't find anything at all similar to these events, you can always settle for a night out at a classy restaurant. As long as you set a sophisticated mood, you'll adore having sophisticated sex later that night.

A last thing that will make or break your sophisticated sex date will be your clothing. Sex won't feel sophisticated if you see your partner in sweatpants and a hoodie. You won't feel sophisticated is you end up arriving to the hot date in a tatty bathrobe, either. Dress up in your best clothing. Get your hair styles, a manicure, a pedicure, and accessorize your outfit until you look like the most sophisticated woman you can be. If you can manage to get your man to wear a sharp business suit or tuxedo, even better. Love might be blind, but lust has 20/20 vision.

And don't let either of you forget how important a bit of lady grooming between the hedges is and how much a bit of manscaping will be more than appreciated. All that expensive lingerie and time sprucing yourself up will quickly be lost if your man can't find your lady lips between your overgrown hedge.

Once you try sophisticated sex, you'll probably wonder why you haven't done it earlier. The romance, the passion, the slight air of mystery, and the sheer decadence of a night of uncharacteristically sophisticated fun is a great way to spend a night with your lover.