Back in the Game

I've been doing well getting back to work on my WIP. I've broken the 35k mark, so I can safely say the first draft is half-done. I've got some crit-partners already helping me out with comments and advice. If I was ever thankful for the encouragement and motivation to keep writing, it's now.

It's still difficult getting into the writing mindset, but once I'm there I feel so uplifted. It's not so much an escape as it is filling my time with something I love, something which is a positive part of me. I wouldn't say it's helping me heal, but it's giving me something to look forward to. A good thing to focus on, which is mine.

I'm not sure exactly when I'll have the first draft done. My first book took months to complete, but I was a lot less certain of how the story was going to go than I am this time. If I can maintain a steady pace and get, say, two chapters done each week, I should be able to complete the first draft in a little over a month.

Helping me in this is the fact that my wife bought herself a digital piano which had been reduced in price to a bargain. It's due to be delivered today and will be living in the front room, where I prefer to write. So my wife and I will be able to both indulge in our own artistic pursuits, but still spend time together. I'm looking forward to that.