
As I mentioned in my previous post, I've been pushing myself a little too hard with my writing. Not in terms of time spent writing, but in terms of stressing myself out for not writing more. I've taken a few days to chill out and spend time not thinking about my current WIP, or my first novel's upcoming editing process. I feel better for it, I think, though I may have picked up a bit of a head cold, which isn't fun. At least hot port can fix that.

It was a bit of a struggle trying to enjoy myself while not thinking about writing. Have I really become so focused that I can't switch it off? It's not healthy to devote all of one's free time to one single endevour. I used to write with the vague idea that I wanted to be a writer "someday." Somewhere along the line it became a sold career goal, and I treat it as such. Enjoying writing so much, it's easy to forget that it's not completely recreational anymore, and that I need to watch for signs of stress and burnout.

I have plenty of time to work on my current WIP. Locked Within won't be out until next year. I have a long time to get the sequel ready for submission.

Do you guys have trouble with burnout?