Progress and Titles

I've been focusing an awful lot on Silent Oath lately, the sequel to my first novel. I'm sure I'm getting ahead of myself, but the story is there, wanting to be told. After the first draft is done I'll go back to working on Nightfall while I wait for my crit partners and beta readers to come back with their comments. I'd like to have editing done by Christmas.

As if that wasn't enough, the title for the third book in the series came to me today: Soul Mates.

Normally I'm terrible at titles, but I think this one fits. It's definitely a better working title than I've had before. It may even do as the final title.

I'm really looking forward to finishing Silent Oath. It's an important part of Nathan's story, and should set things up nicely for the ever-increasing stakes as the series goes on.

How about everyone else? Are your WIPs coming along well? Do you ever work ahead in a series like this, or do you wait until one book is released before working on a sequel?